A Pioneering Arts Complex
In San Francisco's Mission District

Welcome to Project Artaud, a pioneering arts complex in San Francisco’s Mission District. Project Artaud is one of San Francisco’s leading artist communities, housing four performance spaces and 10+ creative non-profits. We are also home to an intergenerational enclave of creative leaders–over 80 painters, sculptors, designers, photographers, filmmakers, writers, musicians and performers.
We’re a member-run, member-supported non-profit organization. In 1971 our founding members rehabilitated and converted a factory and city block built in 1924 to create housing and studio space, artists’ resources and community. Today a multi-generational group of members guide this organization forward, still relying on the volunteer participation of the membership to keep Project Artaud a thriving place.
Upcoming Programs

Spring Open Studios at Project Artaud
As part of Mission Artists city-wide Open Studios series, join us as we open our entire creative complex on 4/13 and 4/14, 2024 for studio tours, workshops, and art sales. Meet our community, learn a new creative skill, and buy some rad art!

Applications are now open for the Spring 2023 SPACE 124 artist residency program! Artists from all disciplines looking to explore the edge of the possible and transform a raw, large-scale industrial space should consider applying to take over SPACE 124! See program details here.

The Arts + Green Infrastructure
In partnership with San Francisco’s Public Utilities Commission, we’re investing in evolving our creative complex to add more green spaces, capture stormwater, and replenish the groundwater table beneath our home.
Whats on at Artaud
SPring Open Studios at Project Artaud
4/13 - 4/14 in Space 124

80+ Creatives live/work here
painters, photographers, sculptors, performers, musicians
teachers, facilitators, producers, curators, mentors, academics
woodworkers, printers, filmmakers, designers
playwrighters, poets, journalists, novelists, lyricists, screenwriters
Past Events
Fall Open Studios at Project Artaud
10/28 - 10/29, 11-5PM in Space 124

Artist Salon @Sculpture Studio 123
Featuring Poet Chun Yu and Pianist Antony TY
6/17, 3-6PM at Project Artaud

Poet Chun Yu will be reading some of her work, accompanied by musician and pianist Antony TY.
Chun poetry merges science, art, and spirituality based on her experience as an immigrant from an ancient culture in revolution to a new world with transforming science and technologies.
She is an award-winning bilingual (English and Chinese) poet, graphic novelist, scientist, and translator. Author of the award winning memoir Little Green: Growing Up During the Chinese Cultural Revolution and co-founded Two Languages/One Community, a bilingual poetry project to connect Chinese American and African American communities and Chinese American Stories, a multimedia project to present Chinese American immigration stories. Her website:
fff: A Noise cappella with ava koohbor
5/26,6-8 PM at Space 124, Project Artaud

ffff: A Noise Cappella is a live performance exploring the voice of Iranian women through abstraction of sound and speech. Artist asked four of her friends to address their emotions in a sentence for several days, read them, record and send them to her to use in her piece as sound material. Ava uses these as sound materials for the means of solidarity across continents. The recorded voice of these acquaintances will be pulsating in the space along the generated sound of analogue synthesizer. This piece is an experimentation for creating mood by the means of amplification and spatialization. This piece meant to be transforms by four metal sculptures installed in the space. There is no seating assigned and no beginning and end. The performance goes on for two hours The audience are free to step in and out as they are pleased. Four “f” stands for Freedom, Frequency, Forte, Feminism.
This event is free and open to the public. Advanced registration is requested. There is no seating assigned and no beginning or end. The performance goes on for two hours The audience are free to step in and out as they please.
Ava Koohbor is an interdisciplinary artist. Through sound, words, and objects she tries to find balance in everyday chaos. Her latest performance was a sound contribution to Chris Brown & Johanna Poethig’s realization of David Ireland’s score, A Variation on 79, Side to Side Passes of a Dumbbell, Dedicated to the Memory of John Cage. Her latest publication, a collection of poetry, Death Under Construction has been published by Ugly Duckling Presse. She believes that each artist is a medium to transfer the world of possibilities to what is.
Spring open studies at project artuad
5/13 -5/14, 12 - 6PM at Space 124

Artist Salon Featuring: Pianist Allison Lovejoy & Sculptor Jonathan SChipper
3/25, 3-6pm at Goggin Sculpture Studio 123

3-4:30PM, Artist talk and performance with Candace Forest and Allison Lovejoy
Composers Candace Forest and Allison Lovejoy present the music and research for their upcoming new show about San Francisco Women from 1840-1950 called “THE BEST BAD THINGS”.
This entertaining show includes songs and stories about The brave, bawdy and beautiful women of San Francisco, including Mary Ellen Pleasant, Alma Spreckels, Sally Standford, Dorothea Lange, Tess Wall and Juana Briones. They will discuss the development of the character & compositional process and include performances of select songs, featuring vocalists ANGELA LaFLAMME, ALEXIS LANE JENSEN, and ALLEGRA BANDY, with ALLISON LOVEJOY on piano and vocals. They will also discuss how women, both past and present, influence San Francisco’s role in pioneering new ideas.
4:15-5:45PM Artist talk with Jonathan Schipper
“Conceptual machines, Art as a Verb”
— What can art do as opposed to what it is.
Jonathan Schipper is a sculptor that has combined many materials and techniques as far-ranging as pneumatics, leatherwork, robotics, and rock n roll. His work is often based on decay or destruction, work that becomes most alive just before it ends. He embraces the transitory nature of existence and rejects the sacred.
The Field Body & sub voce soundscape
3/26, 4pm at Space 124

Simultaneous by pamela Z
12/9 - 12/11 at SPace 124

Simultaneous is an intermedia performance work for voice & electronics, chamber ensemble, and video/multi-channel sound installation. This new work by Pamela Z, which began during Z’s Rome Prize Fellowship (2019-20), explores many facets of the concept of simultaneity. The work incorporates fragments of speech and stories taken from interviews recorded in Rome, woven together with melodies, textures, and pitched and rhythmic motifs largely generated by the speech material.
This iteration takes the form of an intermedia performance work including a multi-channel sound installation, video projections, and live music composed by Pamela Z and performed by:
Pamela Z/voice and electronics, Kyle Bruckman/oboe and English horn, Charlton Lee/viola, Theresa Wong/cello, Kjell Nordeson/percussion.
Fall Open Studios at Project Artaud
11/5 - 11/6 at 401 Alabama Street

2022 Fall Open Studios in SPACE 124 at Project Artaud
Sat-Sun, November 5-6, 12-6 pm
Exhibiting artists are also opening the building (studios and hallways) for the first time since November 2019!
Featured Artists Include:
Mansur Nurulla, David Fought, Ricky Weisbroth, Dale Erickson, Stephanie Baker, Jonah Roll, Javier Manrique, Bernie Rauch, Jan Simon, and Phil Deal.
Enter at 401 Alabama and 17th Street, San Francisco
A world premier production at Z Space
The Red Shades: A Trans Superhero Rock Opera
10/13 - 11/5 on Z Space's Steindler Stage
Mixing elements of rock concert, musical theater, and comic book action, The Red Shades tells the story of Ida, a teenage trans girl, who runs away from her small-town life to join a gang of trans superheroes squatting in the Tenderloin.
Set in 1966 against the backdrop of The Compton’s Cafeteria Riot, The Red Shades is “an unholy mashup of herstory, magic, mischief, gossip, hearsay, imagination, raw emotion, movement, music and unapologetic trans politics.”
Written by Adrienne Price
Music by Adrienne Price, Matt Fukui Grandy, and Jeanine Adkisson
Directed by Edris Cooper-Anifowoshe and Rotimi Agbabiaka.